Good Day my fellow Creators and all of our supporters,
From where I sit the heat of summer shimmers across the waters of the majestic Northumberland Strait sending diamonds sparkling across the waves. Gulls sweep and soar catching the updrafts and then suddenly dropping to just above the water, their aerobatics so graceful. They are playing with the wind, inspired by each others’ skill trying to out do each other no doubt. I am inspired by this dance of life. It makes me want to write music.
When I visit galleries and have the opportunity to talk to other Artists, I am always fascinated by what sparks their creativity. What takes an ordinary day and then suddenly, there it is! Magic! And just like that, VOILA, the birth of a new piece begins to take shape in one’s mind. To each of us it is personal and so special.
Next month we are excited to feature one such gifted and Inspired member of our Art Hollis Family…Judy Gordon, an incredibly talented Potter. Judy’s show Clayful Impressions, opens August 1st with a reception on Saturday, August 10th from 3-5pm.
To quote Judy about what inspired this exhibit of her new work:
“On a recent visit to the Codroy Valley in Newfoundland, I was struck by the way the clouds embrace the Table Mountains, their softness draped over sloping hills. I thought…How can I translate this into my clay work?
We never know what will inspire us. The shape of a pear, an apple, the marks made on a sandy beach when the ocean drags pebbles along, or wispy beach grasses blowing in the breeze. If we are curious about these things and focus on them, all sorts of paths open up.
That’s what I am going for here. Exploration of the things that touch me and spark my imagination. It’s a journey I revel in.”
So come and talk to us about what inspires the Artist heart and what inspires you when you you see this beautiful work by our Potter, Judy gordon.
See you at the Gallery