Happy Fabulous February All,
I would like to go a little deep if you would allow me. I want to talk about something that has been on my mind and more than likely on the minds of many folks in the Art world…that being how we deal with making Art in times like these.
To quote something I read on Facebook awhile ago:
“Art has always played a crucial role in reflecting the times we live in.”

Right now, as I write this wars are raging in parts of our modern world. We see murals splashed across walls, buildings and even vehicles in protest. Playwrights create stage pieces that bring attention to political turmoil and change, musicians make music that tugs at our emotions, and writers lock themselves away and pound out novels that speak words we are afraid to say and hear.
Art has been and always shall be a witness and a vehicle for social change.

Speaking from my side of the easel, I intend to return to making Art that enables me to escape to a quieter, less chaotic world…the world of childhood. When I paint “The Kids” I leave reality outside my studio door and step gingerly into a sweeter and happier time. Here I find comfort and inspiration for at least a little while.
We are first and foremost Canadians, secondly we are Canadian Artists in a Canadian Gallery. We are proud of who we are and what we have managed to create in our own Art Space. To have you visit and engage with us is almost more important now than ever before. The world needs Creatives right now, so remember; we’re all in this together.

Here at the Gallery we are determined to continue to make Art that brings awareness and encourages dialogue and interaction. We encourage you, our Friends and beloved Patrons, to come and escape for even just a little while into an environment where time can pass in quiet personal reflection. Come in and see the world through the eyes of the Artists. I promise you will leave with a smile and knowledge that even in Times like these: There’s always Art for the soul.
See you at the Gallery,