Nocturne, October 14, 2023

Nocturne, October 14, 2023

Greetings all of you Nighttime loving People from the Hallowed Halls of Art Hollis!

Tis the season of change. Exciting change! Colours transform before us like that of a painter’s palette. We go from cool greens, blues and yellows of summer to vibrant rusts, rich browns and golds and then there’s also pumpkin spice. Oh my! Lots of pumpkin spice! I say….Bring on the shorter days and the long, mysterious and dusky fall nights.

Who doesn’t love the coziness of the fireplace or the crackle of a backyard fire pit as we sit under the stars, wrapped in a warm blanket and we feel the night draw closer.

There’s a name, you know; for those that prefer the night over the day.



     Those who feel more comfort and at ease when night falls. Are you one of those?

You may be a “Nyctophile” if you feel that life is better at night. It brings you peace, relaxation and tranquility.

  Either way nighttime enchants us. The darkness of night stimulates intuition and can sharpen the senses. Thus transforming our day to day world into a completely different realm. And so……we humans celebrate Night with Festivals.

 And that my Dears brings me to my point.


On October 14, from 5:00pm until midnight, we will have the greatest festival of Arts and Culture under the foggy stars of Halifax and Dartmouth. Every year we don a warm sweater or (heavy rain gear) and brave the misty night to take in the wide variety of Creative offerings of the lively Arts Community you can be proud to call your own!

We at Art Hollis can’t wait to see you!

We have planned a feast for your eyes, and a hands on experience for those who want to try their skills at making something they can take home. The whole Gallery will show you what “Nocturnal “means. Each skilled Artisan will have a piece that salutes the Night. Each in their own medium.


 We will offer you a glass of Cider and a treat as you view what our Artists see as their take on Art at Night. So much to see and experience. We hope to see you at Art 1274 as you travel the streets in Our City under our very own Starry, starry night.


See you at the Gallery

Good Night


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