Collection: Judy Roberts - Potter and Ceramic Artist

Joining shortly after the founding of Art 1274 Hollis, she wanted to be part of an artist community. Judy has been working with ceramics for over 20 years.  Originally from Newfoundland, she finds inspiration for her work in Nova Scotia, her home since the 1980s.  Clay became a passion after her first class in 1998 because the possibilities with clay are endless.  Curves, softness, subtle details and textures as well as robust rims and interesting bottoms are all important to her functional work. 
Sometimes starting with a sketch and other times starting on the wheel, Judy works with stoneware, mid-fire, and raku clay and creates her own glazes.  Drawn to raku, partially because she feels she is a pyromaniac, she loves the unpredictability of the results when a piece is taken from the smoking fire.  The many variations possible with horsehair and feathers, together with the warmth and depth of colour created by spraying chlorides onto the surface of a hot piece fresh from the kiln, is satisfying in a way nothing else can match.  Leaves, grasses, and shells make their way into her pieces as their gentleness speaks to her. Oh, and swirls – she loves swirls!  Favouring generous form over design, which she hopes also reflects something about her and then the glaze after that, she prefers a simpler approach to her pieces.  An avid collector of pottery, she believes everyone should have lovely, useful dishware that will stand up to day-to-day use.